Orofacial Myology Mentoring

I have been a certified member of the IAOM since the mid 80’s. Information that has become part of my repertoire has been accumulated by attendance at most annual conferences. I highly recommend future participation in these events. The website for the IAOM: iaom.com

Also, the Journal of Orofacial Myology and Myofunctional Therapy, website ijom.iaom.com

is filled with helpful information to assist in evaluation and therapy techniques as well as related professional information and research to assist in educating yourself, your patients, and referral sources.

I am proud to say that I have had the opportunity to take classes with the following leaders in the IAOM. If you have an opportunity to take a class or purchase materials authored by the following, take advantage of these resources.

  • Kimberly Benkert

  • Shari Green

  • Galen Peachey

  • Roberta Pierce

  • Joseph Zimmerman

The IAOM has approved Introductory Classes that will prepare you for future certification in the field of Orofacial Myology. More information can be accessed from their website. These classes will include numerous references and guides to assist you on your journey.

We learn from every patient we have the opportunity to help. Also, being a member of the Board of Examiners of the IAOM since 1996, I have watched many talented therapists during my certification visits. Traveling throughout the United States and also secure video on-sites out of the country has given me a chance to experience issues faced by different populations and develop a broader perspective to assist with treatment ideas.