Aligning with Your Soul

Energy Healing

Aligning with your soul works to bridge the gap between the life your heart desires and the truth of what your life looks like today.  

Are they in alignment? 

Or do you desire life to have more ease, peace, abundance and joy?

These aren’t pipe dreams, they can be your reality but only if you allow yourself to go within to see the wounds of the past that cause you not to have them. 

Within you lies the truth as to why your life does not look and feel like you want it to or hoped it would. 

The anger, the pain, the suffering and the tears are all due to a trauma that you experienced in either this life or another.  This pain and suffering will manifest itself in your life over and over again until you are willing to let it go. 

You do have the power to do that – you know.  No one outside of you needs to change – just you and when you do – life changes miraculously.   

Sessions are designed to assist you in identifying and changing limiting beliefs or emotional triggers that don’t serve you by connecting to your heart space and exploring current and past situations. By clearing these beliefs or emotions, movement forward is possible.

I use several tools in this modality including ThetaHealingⓇ and Higher Self Alchemy©.

You have to experience it to feel the magic of it. 

“I suggest that you try to create only from within the sacred space of the heart for the heart knows only unity and will create the intention as it is conceived without its dark side.” ~ from Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek



 I can assist with:  

  • Interpersonal Challenges 

  • Dealing with Loss 

  • Struggling with Career Choices 

  • Post Traumatic Stress 

  • Abundance Issues 

To give you a better idea of how this works, here are some things I worked on with clients and their results.

Several clients have experienced relief after losing their spouses to illness. They felt rejected from life and alone after losing their beloved and after working with me they felt loved and abundant. Trauma from the loss of a spouse can be devastating but belief work has the potential in moving you forward. 

A client found herself unable to move forward in her career. Through belief work, she realized that her soul was ready for a new adventure. Her original choice was a result of family pressure. She now felt freer to pursue another area. After setting out new intentions, she embarked on a career that brings her excitement, joy and purpose.  

A client was able to change her beliefs around money and abundance. As a result, unexpected good fortune entered her life that contributed to significant financial gains. All of this resulted from trusting source energy and saying intentions to create the new reality she desired. 

Several clients that are parents have reduced their anxiety over challenging children. As a result, improved relationships emerged. Parents were able to accept their children and recognize their gifts. Also, they were able to free themselves from responsibility that they felt over their children’s actions. These parents were able to allow their children to experience and enjoy their own journeys. 


 How does a session work?

All sessions begin with me listening to what is bothering you or what you would like to work on. 

While listening, I intuitively connect to Source and your own Spirit Team and then get guidance on what needs to be explored, identified and energetically released.

I do so by asking you questions based on the guidance I receive to find out more about what is going on behind the scenes – subconsciously. 

Through this, we are looking to identify the root belief that is causing you to experience what is bothering you.

Once we have identified the root belief, Source is asked to release the trauma this has caused you and change the limiting beliefs that are causing you the pain and suffering leaving you feeling abundant, joyful and energized with purpose.


 Scheduling a Session

To schedule a session, click the button below under either a single session or a package to contact me.

Once your session is scheduled, come back to this page to pay for the desired service.

Single Session

Done over Zoom

1 hour |  $125

Session Package

Done over Zoom

Three 1 hour sessions |  $300 ($75 Saving7

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